Free printable sound hunt for toddlers and preschool children

A4 piece of paper with Sound scavenger hunt written across it and lots of illustrations and text with ideas for things to hear in nature

Sound hunts are great outdoor activities for children. Sound hunts for preschool children support phase one phonics which is all about developing children’s listening skills. They’re also a great way of having fun on a nature walk with toddlers.

They are great outdoor activities for kids in winter and connect them with nature and the world around them. Below you can download a nature sound scavenger hunt printable to make it really easy. I’ll also show you how you can create your own sound scavenger hunt anytime you like without any planning. 

What is a sound scavenger hunt or listening walk? 

Preschool child holding a sound hunt

Perhaps you’ve never heard of a listening walk or sound scavenger hunt. It’s a really simple way to engage young children with their surroundings and get them to focus on where they are. 

Just like adults, children don’t always notice the everyday sounds going on around them. A listening walk gets them to really listen to the sounds that are all around them. From the birds singing to the cars driving past. 

What age is a sound hunt suitable for? 

A sound hunt is perfect for toddlers and older children. They’re a great way of getting preschool and slightly older children to really focus on the world around them. It can even be adapted for older children by asking them to record the sounds. I love using technology in a way where kids are still getting outside and connecting with nature. 

This listening walk activity is a great phase 1 phonics activity for preschool children to help develop their listening skills. 

How to do a sound hunt or listening walk? 

For toddlers, start really simply. Tell them one thing to listen out for such as running water if you are near a stream. You can print off the list at the end of this post to prompt you but you probably won’t need it. Another simple idea for toddlers is just to ask them what they can hear right now. 

For preschoolers, they can do all of the above as well as slightly more. They’ll love a pen and clipboard to mark off the items as they find them. 

For older children, print out the list and give them a recording device to record the sounds. It could be that you work together and record the sounds on your phone or perhaps you give them a basic dictaphone or perhaps they already have a toy that records sound. 

I hope your child enjoys this simple activity on your next family walk.

You could also do this activity in your garden. Find more Garden games for kids here.

Find more great Forest school activities for 2 year olds.

Toddler in mud

Need more inspiration for getting your kids outdoors?

If you like this, you’ll love my winter scavenger hunt printable. Or find a nature walk scavenger hunt free printable for every season here.

Have you tried all of these ideas for things to find on a walk?

Find more Nature walk games here

Find 99 more ideas in my post – 100 things to do outside with kids

Scavenger hunts are just one way of entertaining your kids on a walk. Find more things to do on a walk with kids here.

Create DIY paper bag lanterns and have a lantern walk

Find more ideas for outdoor activities for toddlers here.

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Sound hunt printable

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